ELRO-peristaltic pumps


IP series

designed for the pumping of abrasive, fibrous or abrasive media, as well as liquids with high viscosity or shear sensitivity. Safe in dry operation without seals or valves; for stationary use under roughest conditions. The IP series features a patented.

XP series

characterized by a high capacity at low speed. The large hose cross section allows the funding of media with high solid content. Thin-walled manufactured feed hoses have excellent suction characteristics.


Conveyor hoses / elastomers:

Förderschlauch NR FDANatural rubber (NR)  IP   M300   XP 
Natural rubber (FDA)  IP 

Properties: tensile strength and elastic, cold-resistant, food approved (FDH)
Range of application: for abrasive media, strongly diluted acids and bases
Temperature range: -20 °C - + 80 °C

Förderschlauch NBRNitrile rubber (NBR)  IP   M300   XP 

Properties: wear-resistant , grease and oil resistant
Range of application: for oily and fatty media, alcohols
Temperature range: -10 °C - + 80 C

Förderschlauch CSMCSM  IP   M300   XP 

Properties: resistant to chemicals, wear-resistant and electrically conducting (M300 only)
Range of application: For acids and bases, colors
Temperature range: -20 °C - + 80 °C

Förderschlauch EPDMEPDM  IP 

Properties: chemical resistance, good insulating properties and weather resistance
Range of application: for acids and bases, hot water
Temperature range: -30 °C - + 80 °C


M 300 series

economic promotion of slurry, chemicals and contaminated media. Mobile, compact all-purpose pumps with high suction capacity and conveyor capability. Can be combined with a variety of power units and structures.


DEPA-air-diaphragm pumps

Cast metal pumps, series M

be used universally for trouble-free transport of abrasive, solid containing and viscous media. The stable design ensures reliability even under the most difficult conditions.

n Typ DL-FA - aluminium
n Typ DL-CA - grey cast iron
n Typ DL-OC - grey cast iron / bronze
n Typ DL-SA - cast stainless steel 316L
n Typ DL-SX - cast stainless steel 316L / bronze
n Typ DL-SS - cast stainless steel 316L / stainless

Technical data

Capacity: max. 43 m3/h at 7 bar
Delivery pressure: up to 7 bar
Solid size: up to 10 mm
Air control unit: with internal or external control valve
Material of control block housing: aluminium, bronze, stainless steel
Elastomeres / membranes: NRS, EPDM, NBR, FKM, PTFE, NRR, DEPA nopped E (PTFE-composite membranes), DEPA nopped S4 Santoprene®)

 Main areas of application:

|  Colour - and varnish industry
|  Automotive industry
|  Waste water industry
|  Ceramics and porcelain industry
|  Mining, construction industry
|  Chemical industry

Plastic pumps, series P

are characterised by a high chemical resistance in aggressive atmosphere. The manufacturing process ensures an excellent surface finish with low flow loss and good abrasion resistance.

n Typ DL-PM - injected polypropylene
n Typ DL-PP - polypropylene solid
n Typ DL-PL - conductive polypropylene
n Typ DL-PT - PTFE
n Typ DL-TL - PTFE, conductive
n Typ DH-PT - PTFE
n Typ DH-TL - PTFE, conductive

Technical data

Capacity: up to 42 m3/h at 7 bar
Delivery pressure: up to 7 bar
solid size: up to 10 mm
Air control unit: with internal or external control valve
Material of control block housing: conductive polypropylene
Elastomeres / membranes: NRS, EPDM, NBR, FKM, PTFE, NRR, DEPA nopped E (PTFE-composite membranes), DEPA nopped S4 Santoprene®)

 Main areas of application:

|  Electroplating and coating
|  Paper and wood industry
|  Colour - and varnish industry
|  Chemical industry
|  Plant and machine construction
|  Power plants, waste disposal technology

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